Whether an online business or an organisation, everyone has faced challenges in choosing a domain name. Finding the proper balance is the key. A name should be short and crisp. But, too short of a name can make your site too generalised.
To avoid confusion, we have listed factors that should be avoided while choosing a domain name.
Mistakes to avoid while choosing a domain name
Avoid using numbers.
Using numbers was clever when it was done sporadically. Recently, with the changing trends, it has become a cliche. For example, if your domain name “forthebetter” is taken, do not change it to “4thebetter.” Instead, change the name altogether.
Using numbers will not only reduce traffic, it will also make your site look unappealing. It will also affect visually impaired readers who use screen readers, thus reducing accessibility.
Avoid using complicated words.
While choosing a domain name, remember to keep it simple. You can use puns or relevant jokes to make it witty, but it should be legible. Using simple words will make it easier for your clients to pick the right spelling.
Any complicated or foreign word will make it harder for your target audience to relate to it and, therefore, more forgettable.
It is also recommended to use homophones or words that sound similar but have different meanings. It can create confusion and make your domain unsearchable.
Avoid using special characters.
Like using numbers, using special characters like hyphens or hashtags must be avoided at all costs. One main reason is that search engines like Google or Yahoo prioritise simple names with neat alphabets. Special characters make the domain names look unappealing and inauthentic.
Avoid using irrelevant names.
Find out what your company’s ideals are and do a keyword search. These keywords are vital in determining your website’s domain name. It is important to make it recognisable with your social media handles as your audience knows you by that. If you keep a completely different domain name, your website might seem like a dupe, or your clients might not find your site easily.
Avoid similarity to other websites.
With the number of online websites, it won’t be impossible to match accidentally. However, this might create confusion amongst the clients of both parties and can create serious disputes. To avoid this, it is better to look up the list of domain names you are considering.
If you find any similarity with other businesses, change the name to a unique one. Use keywords to make a list of favoured names to lessen your effort.
A domain name must be unique, short, and witty. It is an important symbol of the business or blog site, making it more recognisable. It should be relevant to your business ideals and must be easily searchable. Using special features, abbreviations, or complicated terms might make it look visually unpleasing.
Find out what resonates the most with your company, and pick your best domain name.