Social media networks should be on your priority list if you want people to notice your online business and brand. These days, tons of people check their social media accounts several times a day. To take advantage of that, you must boost your social media presence.
How exactly do you do that? Here are five tips to help you out.
1. Know Your Audience
Knowing your audience means understanding the people you’re targeting. These are the people who resonate with your product and brand the most.
To find your target audience, you need to research about your target demographics. Think about your ideal customer.
Be specific as much as possible. Consider their gender, age, education, the place they live, their income levels, and even their interest.
Once you determine who may buy and use your products, you can search for them online. Facebook and Instagram are good places to start with. These social media sites have audience insights tools you can use to learn more about your target audience. You can also visit Attention Always to know more.
2. Craft Compelling Headlines
Your headline is the first thing people will see on your social media accounts, so you must make it right. Humans only have an average attention span of 7 seconds, and it continues to shrink. Considering that, you only have less than that to catch their attention.
So, how do you do it?
Say what matters the most first. If you feel like you have a lot to say, try to make a list before anything else. Then, once you have your list ready, sit down and really think about which ones need to be said first.
Your average tone won’t attract readers. You need a language hook when creating an attention-grabbing headline. There are different wordplay techniques that you can use to make your headline stick.
Don’t forget to make it relevant and relatable. People will only click on your post if they have a connection to it. They’re more likely to see what you’re up to if they can relate to your statement.
3. Tell Stories
Storytelling is sharing stories about your products or brand. It’s a way for you to tell others about who you are and what you do. It’s a significant communication trigger, so it’s considered a potent marketing tool.
Stories have this unique ability to provoke emotions. If you use them correctly, you’ll be able to establish an emotional connection with your target audience. And once they feel the connection, there’s a good chance they’ll stick around.
When telling stories, try to speak in your customer’s tone of voice.
For you to do that, you may want to take a moment to get to know the potential and existing customers. Try to ask them emotion-based questions. For example, you can ask them how they feel about a certain content or a specific product. Take note of the exact words they use during the interview and include them as much as possible in your stories.
4. Add Visual Appeal
Nobody likes reading huge chunks of text. They’re boring and can easily make a reader lose interest in what he sees.
To boost your social media presence, try adding visually appealing content. You can start with establishing your visual identity. Use consistent design elements and colors. These things will make your brand easy to memorize and recognize.
If your logo has yellow in it, use the same color in your website content and social media posts. Add them in your headers, footers, or even splashes of color in different infographics and animations.
In addition to those two, you can also use photos, videos, GIFS, memes, and other illustrations in your posts.
If you’re posting videos on social media, using eye-catching thumbnails is a good idea. Pick one that’s visually appealing, or choose one that communicates the most about your post.
You can also add text to your visual content. However, you need to know the limit since space is limited to avoid visually overwhelming your audience.
As much as possible, only use high-quality photos. Apart from that, they look nice and create a good impression on your readers. It shows that you’re spending time to produce only the best pieces for them.
5. Provide Value
No matter how many stories you share and how clever your headlines are, they won’t return anything if they don’t provide value to your audience. Even the most beautiful visual content won’t boost your presence on social media if it feels empty.
How do you give value to your posts on social media?
You can point out your audience’s most significant obstacles and try to offer solutions. They don’t necessarily have to be about your brand or your product; you can offer tips and links that you think are relevant to their situation to make them feel like you care.
Try to show more of yourself, too. This helps establish a human connection with your audience. Try to show what’s behind the scenes. Introduce some of your employees and highlight their contributions to the business. Share some of the most exciting processes when making your products. These personal updates allow your audience to see the faces behind the brand.
Boosting your social media presence is more than just a way for you to get to the first spot. Establishing a deeper connection with your audience is a good strategy.
When done right, it can help your audience understand your business better. It can even make it easier for them to remember and recognize your brand from the rest.
While establishing a good social media presence isn’t that easy, particularly for beginners and small businesses, it’s not that hard, too. Once you know who your audience is, you’ll know who to target in your posts. From there, you can create the perfect headline and create the most compelling visual element for posts that provide the most value to them.