Sexual harassment/ assault in the workplace can be described as unwanted sexual advances, sexual favor requests, or other physical or verbal sexual conduct where the submission to or rejection of the conduct affects the employment status and employment decisions of an individual (Crouch, 2001). The basis of this research majors on sexual harassment that occurs in the workplace as well as the sexual assault policy. Although sexual harassment in the workplace has become a serious problem in today’s ‘job-oriented’ society, it is a topic that has been accorded little research with positive solutions. Moreover, the little research that has been done on sexual harassment has hardly been documented leaving a looming problem that creates improper working environments for individuals. According to previous statistics, the level of sexual harassment in the working society is at an all-time high of 16% among men and 25% among women. At the workplace, sexual harassment does not only come from superiors or other peers with influence on an individual’s employment status, but it also arises from the people being accorded goods or services such as business customers (Fitzgerald, 1993). For a similar paper follow the link Order Dissertation Paper Online.
The research will endeavor to answer three main questions, that is:
- How has sexual harassment become a problem in the workplace?
- What are the possible prevention measures of sexual harassment in the workplace?
- What policies have been put in place to address sexual harassment in the workplace?
To answer the research questions, the research will first make use of interaction analysis. The frame of the sample will consist of any individual under employment whether casual, temporary or permanent for the past five years. The scope should include people of varying careers, incomes and education level to make the research credible. Systematic sampling will be used to come up with the required sample. The chosen individuals will be presented with a questionnaire whose results will be tabled and analyzed. Other research methods that will be utilized in this research will be the use of past credible literature that has already been documented. Get in touch with
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.
Around the workplace, sexual harassment can occur at the specific workplace, at events that are work-related, among people under the same workplace and among colleagues outside of the work environment. Sexual harassment in the workplace normally brings about a work environment that is usually offensive and can interfere with an individual’s work performance (Merkin and Shah, 2014). Although sexual harassment has become a major problem in the workplace, it remains an invisible monster with few attempts to address it. One major cause of the problem, specifically among women, is that women only began to work in other places other than home, after the growth of the feminist movement as well as overall emancipation (Fitzgerald, 1993). As such, women were discriminated in the work place with was then considered a ‘male dominion.’ One way that the discrimination was carried out was through sexual harassment (Mackinnon, 1979).